YinYogi melina@yinyogi.com 250-509-4111


Kootenay’s Yoga & Thai Massage

Unicorn Festival - Yoga and Sound Healing

Healing Hallow

August 10 am to 11:30 am


Immerse yourself in the soothing vibrations of singing bowls, gongs, and chimes while doing the gentle yoga class that will include meditation and deep relaxation.

These sounds will enhance your yoga experience and facilitate emotional release and mental clarity, making it a unique and beneficial session. Perfect for festival-goers looking to align, strengthen and stretch their bodies and minds for a fun, safe and meaningful weekend.

The class will be led by Melina Cinq-Mars, Lee Reidl will offer sound healing. Visit, cosmicharmonics.love for more info. about Lee. Bring your yoga mats, a blanket or towel.

An Afternoon of signing, yoga and sisterhood

July 20th, 1pm to 5pm

$75, to register send a non-refundable deposit

to melina@yinyogi.com

Singing is medicine, pure and simple. It alchemizes grief and joy in the body; it uplifts, soothes, energizes and connects us to spirit and one another and the bones and sinew in our bodies. Singing with other women is incredibly potent, as I have discovered in my three years leading a beautiful women’s singing circle here on the East Shore. I have furthered this deep love of facilitating group singing with some excellent song leader facilitation training, and this month I am thrilled to team up with my beautiful friend, fellow song sister, and yoga teacher Melina, to craft an offering I think you will love. Together, we are offering a mini women’s retreat in her gorgeous lakefront home/studio just north of Riondel. 

We will spend an afternoon together in a group of no more than ten women, exploring our voices and bodies through sound, harmony, breath, and meditation, relaxation with lots of built-in moments for reflection and sharing in the circle and in smaller groups. We will learn some simple, heart-opening and grounding songs and pair these songs with some yoga practises that support flow. These experiences will open the door for some rich reflections, both written and spoken. You don’t need to have any experience with either group singing or yoga to participate. You are invited to show up, exactly as you are.

Yoga, Hike & Nature Mandala-

 July 27th, 1 pm to 5 pm

$75, to register send a non-refundable deposit

to melina@yinyogi.com

This journey is not just about physical activity. It’s about enhancing your mental and emotional well-being, promoting creativity, and, most importantly, strengthening your connection to nature. It’s a unique opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery.

We will hike the Historical Waterline Trail in Riondel, starting with a warm-up. We will walk a total of 8km for about 2 hours 30 minutes. As we hike, you will gather offerings from nature: pine cones, sticks, rocks, and feathers. Each will make a sacred mandala with nature’s gift. Finish with some stretches.

This 8km round-trip trail is perfect for hot weather, as most of it is in the shade, and the temperature cools down in the canon of Tam O’Shanter Creek.

Yoga & Hike- Follow Your Path

Saturday August 3rd 1pm to 5pm.

$75, to register send a non-refundable deposit

to melina@yinyogi.com

This hike will be a great way to give space to explore various emotions and be playful. We will stump and tip-toe the ground, hug trees, walk on our hands and knees, and so on.

Starting with a warm-up, we will embark on an 8km hike, which should take about 2 hours and 30 minutes. Throughout the journey, I will suggest a few questions to reflect on and guide a few stretches to conclude the event.

This 8km round-trip trail is perfect for hot weather, as most of it is in the shade, and the temperature cools down in the canon of Tam O’Shanter Creek.

Participants must register at least 12 hours before the hike. To register, send a $20 non-refundable deposit and an email with your full name. Let me know if you have allergies and provide an emergency contact.

Wear closed-toed shoes, a little warmer layer than when you leave for the hike.
Bring a snack, 1 L of drinking water and a container to hold the leaves, pine cones, and stones you will collect—a basket or a small handbag.

Previous Event

New Moon Overnight Yoga

July 5th-6th

$125 for the night, plus fuel and food.

To register send a non-refundable $35 deposit to melina@yinyogi.com

I am thrilled to invite you to join me in a long-term life dream of mine. I will be hosting a unique adventure-a Hike and Yoga retreat at the majestic some what luxurious Silver Spray cabin on a full moon night.

Trail distance: 7 km one way

Elevation Gain: 1000m

Trailhead: Woodbury-Fletchar FSR, Kokanee Glacier Provincial Park

Hiking time: 3 to 4 hours each day

Difficulty: Moderate

I am coordinating everything so you and your friends can come in for a beautiful hike that will take us to the base of the beautiful Kokanee Glacier. We will meet at the parking on Highway and fill 1 or 2 car(s) to drive up to the trail head. I will guide a yoga class on Friday evening and Saturday morning.  We will divide in smaller group the cleaning and the preparing of the meals to keep the retreat affordable, inclusive, and engaging. This precious time will be about giving yourself space to connect with you selves and, from that place, with each other. Prepare to sweat, cry, laugh, and foster new friendships and memories. I will guide some reflection and activities like making natural mandal with what nature offers on our journey.